Time for an early-morning dose of jackassery!

You'd think San Francisco, more or less considered the de-facto LGBT capital of the US, would be last place for something like this to happen:

A transgender woman on Thursday filed a claim against the California Department of Motor Vehicles, saying the clerk who handled her application for a new driver's license sent her a letter at home calling her gender change a "very evil decision" that would condemn her to hell.

How classy!

I hate to be so cynical toward my region of the country, but this sounds like something I'd expect to happen in the deep south.

"Although I helped you with the name change, I have to say I do not support the reason for it," says the letter, signed with only a first name and typed on plain paper. "I also do not believe the state's recognition of it - through official documents - makes it legitimate or any less evil."

...and you think this woman would care whether you personally approve of her decision because?

Seriously, sometimes I think "unwarranted self-importance" should be a new diagnosis in the DSM-5. (Then again, I reckon narcissistic personality disorder probably already fits the bill for that.)

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