Because the great Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. *totally* supported putting civil rights up for popular vote.

The Advocate is reporting that the anti-LGBT group National Organization for Marriage has decided to use the image of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in one of its ads promoting marriage inequality, apparently completely ignorant to the massive irony of doing so:

The National Organization for Marriage is using the voice and image of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., in a new ad that urges Minnesota voters to support gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer, who wants a public vote against marriage equality.

According to The Minnesota Independent, NOM president Brian Brown said in a statement Thursday, “We want the voters of Minnesota to know the facts about their rights and where the candidates stand on marriage. Just as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., fought for the civil rights of Americans, we echo his words to give people the ballot and let the people vote!”

Conjuring images of a prolific civil-rights leader to encourage voting against the rights of minorities?

omfg LOL

Oh, NOM, you've really outdone yourselves this time. I can't even come up with a witty response to that; it's literally left me speechless.

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