"All the single lizard-people, now put ya hands up!"

According to Above Top Secret poster MonkeyWrench30, Beyoncé Knowles is possibly a Reptilian who experienced an epic glamour failure revealing her true scaly green nature:

I was researching the Dulce Base and got a little off track when i saw an interesting piece on Obama. Then it linked me to a few other sites and then to this picture. Here is a picture and link to see Beyonce's temple area of her head wrinkle and shift as if she were a reptilian. With different editing to the image you can also see a very faint marking of scales on her neck. Ive manipulated the picture many ways to try to see if maybe it is caked up makeup? Possible issues with her hair? But its just too obvioius....Let me know your thoughts.


That leap from President Obama to reptoids disguised as pop singers is pretty impressive. I don't even think I've managed such a topic-jumping feat browsing random TV Tropes articles at 2 AM whilst coked up on Adderall, caffeine, and sleep deprivation.

In any event, MonkeyWrench30's original linked source for this damning photographic "proof" of Beyoncé's much-less-attractive actual form is, not surprisingly, no less bugfuck crazy:

There have been stories on the internet about reptoids who wear human masks to move around in public without scaring people. (Don't know how they hide their tails however)

It looks like Beyonce's mask is starting to slip, you can see the join where it connects the hair mask seam with the face mask seam.

Beyoncé the Reptilian?
[ Image resized to preserve layout. Click thumbnail for full version. ]

That's wig glue, you fruitcakes.

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