My Favorite Food Network "Recipes"

I'm not quite sure what, exactly, makes this bacon qualify as being particularly "late night". But who am I to question Ray Ray's undeniable culinary genius?

Whatever would we do without her? Read the directions on the package? Imagining someone actually printing out the recipe card for this makes my head hurt.

Here's another "recipe" from Ray Ray, this one being a little more difficult:

I'm sure Sandra Lee is coming up with a "semi-homemade" version of this that uses pre-sliced canned pineapples and a generous swig of booze.

Also, Paula Deen has been seriously slacking off:

I mean, really, only ¼ cup of butter? Come on, Paula.

...oooh, and who can forget Sandra Lee's (in)famous "Kwanzaa cake", so God-awful that Food Network seems to have completely removed it from their website:

An angel-food cake with chocolate-vanilla-cinnamon frosting, apple-pie filling, popcorn, and Corn Nuts (lol "acorns")... omfg ewwww.

WTF does any of this have to do with Kwanzaa, anyway? More importantly, why did Sandra Lee make this atrocity and then try to blame it on black people? Is she racist?

Oh, Food Network, I'm not even a foodie, and I think you're such a joke.

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