Rant on "post-race America"

If one more person tries to tell me we are living in a "post-race America" or some similarly ignorant but intelligent-sounding gobbledygook, I am going to open a can of whoop-ass like you wouldn't believe. No, seriously. You may as well be saying, "I'm not racist, but..."

In fact, if saying "I'm not racist, but..." weren't rapidly becoming "politically incorrect", that's likely what you would have said. Fortunately, though, that statement quickly started being thoroughly ridiculed and discredited by people with at least two brain cells and the social awareness of a crack-addled goose, because what follows it is almost invariably something utterly ridiculous, especially when contrasted with a profession of being "not racist", like "I'm not racist, but I think black people belong in the zoo."

If you are truly "not racist" and have a "post-race" mindset, then it will show through your words and actions, so you have no reason to say it, and you certainly wouldn't need to proceed with "but..."

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