"Daddy's Little Mistress" award.

Someone tell me I'm not the only one who finds the whole "Electra-complex balls" "purity balls" phenomenon to be a tad bit on the creepy side:

Randy's 19-year-old daugther, Khrystian, wholeheartedly embraces virginity. "This culture is not my standard; my father is my standard because he tells me who I am to be in life," she says.

Good grief, this sounds like a D/s relationship—but, wait, it get worse:

Jordyn, Randy's 18-year-old daughter, says, "Just the other night, he was holding me before I went to bed, and I was like, "Daddy, can you tell me I'm beautiful and brilliant?' Because I need to hear that, and he tells me that all the time."

...what. I mean, really. Unhealthy paternal relationship, much? Co-dependency issues, much?

That aside, this is so misogynist and patriarchal. Where's the emphasis on the son's virginity? Where's the mother/son purity balls? Not that I'd actually want one. Hell, since I don't hold a sexist double standard, I find that equally creepy, if not even more so, since I am a son and can thus automatically better relate to it.

I think I need a shower after just pondering it.

"Hold me tighter, mommy. Tell me how handsome and intelligent I am. I love you, mommy. You are my life."

And, for crying out loud, this is coming from a self-professed mother's boy. My mother and I are really close—like BFF close—but, crikey, this is just all kinds of unhealthy and borderline emotional incest.

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